Carlos I. Rodriguez
Carlos I. Rodriguez
B. C. Fink
Social Order: Using The Sequential Structure of Social Interaction to Discriminate Abnormal Social Behavior in the Rat
Social Order: Using The Sequential Structure of Social Interaction to Discriminate Abnormal Social Behavior in the Rat
Effects of sex and housing on social, spatial, and motor behavior in adult rats exposed to moderate levels of alcohol during prenatal development
Effects of sex and housing on social, spatial, and motor behavior in adult rats exposed to moderate levels of alcohol during prenatal development
Effects of moderate prenatal ethanol exposure and age on social behavior, spatial response perseveration errors and motor behavior
Effects of moderate prenatal ethanol exposure and age on social behavior, spatial response perseveration errors and motor behavior
Moderate prenatal alcohol exposure and quantification of social behavior in adult rats
Moderate prenatal alcohol exposure and quantification of social behavior in adult rats